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br Background Cluster randomised controlled trials CRCTs are
Background Cluster randomised controlled trials (CRCTs) are increasingly used to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for improving health (Bland, 2004; Klar & Donner, 2001). CRCTs involve the random assignment of whole clusters, such as schools, hospitals, clinics or communities, rather t
Given that residuals are likely to display
Given that residuals are likely to display non-zero within-group correlations despite the regional fixed effects (Bertrand, Duflo, & Mullainathan, 2004), all standard errors were clustered at the catchment area (primary health care unit) level. Results Table 1 shows average sample characteristic
br Disclaimer br Introduction Adolescent substance misuse is
Disclaimer Introduction Adolescent substance misuse is a significant problem in developed countries (Currie et al., 2012; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2007) and early initiation of substance use is associated with higher levels of substance-related harm during adulthood (Dawso
Motivation and significance The imaging
Motivation and significance The imaging method of seismic full waveform (-)-JQ1 (FWI) aims at utilizing the complete information content of measured seismic waveforms for deriving an earth model. Established methods iteratively derive a series of models converging to the solution of the inverse p
The evaluation of common causes of
The evaluation of common causes of SD in middle age women has shown that the primary disorders called muscarinic receptor antagonists syndrome and restless leg syndrome are common in this population [8]. By means of laboratory tests was observed that the 53% of women presented apnea syndrome and re
br Conflict of interest br Acknowledgements
Conflict of interest Acknowledgements Authors would like to thank the financial support of the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7-SME-2013 “DEMOTOX” – Proposal no 604752, the Center for Life Nano Science@Sapienza, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Rome, Italy) and the Italian
La crisis de deuda en la Uni
La crisis de deuda en la Unión Monetaria Europea (ume) ha reducido el consenso sobre la conveniencia de la introducción del euro. Hasta finales de 2009, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, apreciando los resultados de la zona euro en términos de estabilidad y protección de las economías y de los ciuda
Muchos pa ses en desarrollo e incluso
Muchos países en desarrollo, e incluso desarrollados con mercados laborales débiles, no cuentan con argumentos convincentes para que todos sus jóvenes en edad de estudiar opten por la educación media superior así como superior. Esto orilla AZD8055 cost dicho estrato a no acumular, durante la etapa d
Given the competing roles described above an important
Given the competing roles described above, an important question is whether treatment of cancer by autophagy inhibition will lead to neurodegenerative side effects and likewise, that treatment of neurodegenerative diseases with autophagy promoting agents might promote pre-malignant tumors. There are
DNA methylation is a major epigenetic mechanism
DNA methylation is a major epigenetic mechanism responsible for changing the program of genes thus deviating towards disease states (Lardenoije et al., 2015; Szyf et al., 2016). An increasing body of evidence indicates that predisposition to various neurological and psychiatric disorders are saved a
Es el primer modelo de crecimiento
Es el primer modelo de crecimiento macroeconómico que incorpora el papel de la tecnología en una función de producción. Durante muchos años, este modelo constituiría el marco analítico par excellence a partir del cual se estudiaría el crecimiento económico. A pesar de ser un modelo que incorpora el
The more than two fold greater per occasion
The more than two-fold greater per occasion use of alcohol during adolescence than seen in adulthood is not only evident in humans (Hughes, 2010; Masten et al., 2009), but also in other mammalian EZ Cap Reagent GG (3\' OMe) such as rodents (Doremus et al., 2005; Vetter et al., 2007). Consequently,
Contrary to our predictions several findings for the CU
Contrary to our predictions, several findings for the CU group involved DTI changes generally associated with what might be interpreted as better white matter organization, i.e., increased FA and decreased RD. In the left hemisphere, more positive FA change was observed for CUs in the anterior CC (p
Many risk factors may lead to disrupted
Many risk factors may lead to disrupted language development (Bishop et al., 2003; Rice, 2012; Zubrick et al., 2007). One predictor drawing attention is early receptive language skill. Evidence suggests that p53 inhibitor the receptive language status of a late-talking child is predictive of express
For phonetic learning this raises
For phonetic learning, this raises the question of whether infants’ perceptual attunement is likewise context-dependent, taking into account language-specific phonological processes and the contexts in which they apply. Nine-month-old infants are sensitive to phonological context: they have acquired
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